In this article, we consider start up tips for students both in university and students who are just graduating from university. This article is for people who are in university and is for people who are just getting out of university. To drive the point home, this article relates the tips to both being in university and when you graduate university.
1 – Talk to Everybody…Everybody
Inside university
There are few places in the world where you will find such a high concentration of people who are your age, who are unattached, who do not have mortgages, debts and/or kids. There are few places where you will meet people of the same sex and opposite sex who have so much in common with you. Yet, so many people have no idea how to transition from being a lonely High Schooler to a positive university student.
The trick is to talk to everybody. Talk to professors when you see them in the halls, talk to the old lady at the bus stop, talk to the smelly kid who hangs out by the canteen doors, and talk to the guy whose backpack is still open on his back as he walks through the car park.
Forget about trying to make friends, trying to make connections, or trying to get dates. Simply talk to everybody you see, and you become a more attractive person whose people skills slowly improve every day. After a while, when you are on “Hi” terms with many people, things such as more friends and more dates will fall into place on their own.
Outside university
Dating is far more difficult outside of university, but the people who have great people skills find it far easier. Don’t stop talking to everybody. You are occasionally going to meet a jerk or two, but you have to learn to brush that sort of thing off.
2 – Learn the Power of Habit and Routine
Inside university
You have a great opportunity to put the power of positive habits and routine to great use when in High School, college and university. You are still being forced to wake up at a certain time and work at a certain time, and you need to keep it up. Breaking the mould gets you nowhere, it is the people who treat their minds and bodies like an engine who achieve the greatest things.
Stop believing stories about Kayne West getting four hours sleep, or Einstein getting four hours sleep per night because they are not true. Oprah Winfrey is the richest black person in the USA richest woman in the USA, and she says she only started being successful when she started getting eight hours per night.
Outside university
Stop believing that working into the night will bring success. Stephen King is in the habit of writing ten pages per day, and he is the most prolific and well-known writer of the modern era. He doesn’t spend 12 hours per day writing though, nor does he stay up until the early hours of the morning. Do your best to learn and understand the power of routine, and then use it to press ahead. It will help you achieve even the most monotonous goals.
3 – Self Sacrifice, Suffering, And Putting Yourself Last
Inside university
These are three qualities that you are not taught in university or any sort of university with the exception of medical students. Stop reading about Bill Gates and Thomas Edison and start reading Napoleon Hill books about people who turned up on US shores with 50 cents and made $50 million. Read about people such as the policeman’s son called Arnold Schwarzenegger and look at what these people have put themselves through to get to the top.
Outside university
Sadly, a lot of people do not recognize and understand real sacrifice until they reach their late thirties and their kids are entering their tweens. They have to make compromises between letting their kid go on a school trip or getting their almost-bald tires replaced. People who are prepared to suffer to reach a goal will often realize that the suffering was mostly in their heads, and they will plough forwards to become successful.
4 – Time Spent Worrying Is Wasted Time
Inside university
People who worry are people who fail in university. Ever heard of “Test Anxiety?” It has unseated more students than scandals, meningitis and cheating claims combined.
Outside university
You need to remember that time spent worrying is time you could have spent working on your major definite life goals. Worrying, especially about things you cannot change such as your mortality, will promote your own failure.
5 – Let It Go, Or Give It A Minute
Inside university
If you feel your temper rising, then think to yourself, “Give it a minute.” If something is annoying to the point of making you angry, then do as Nia Renee Hill (comedian Bill Burr’s wife) says and “Give it a minute.”
When and if there is something bothering you that you cannot stop thinking about, then you need to “Let it go.” You do not have to forgive the person who did it, but you need to stop giving that person your thoughts because it is thoughts you could be dedicating to your goals and towards making your life better. It is like having somebody lodge in your mind rent free when you could be using your mind for so much more.
Outside university
It gets worse in real life. The world is stuffed and A-Holes, and they are going to bother you. It affects every part of your life, from the parents who won’t stop bragging about how their kids are better than yours, to the people who smash your car windows because of the campaign sticker you have on your bumper. Let it go. It will help you work your way up to the highest levels if you do not let it bother you. Look at President Donald Trump: over 50% of US voter voted for him in 2016/2017, but the leftist media has hounded him mercilessly because he is not a paid-and-owned politician like the rest of them, but Trump doesn’t let it bother him, and he is both one of America’s richest men and most powerful. Imagine how much you could achieve if you made a promise to never let anybody hurt your feelings again by simply letting their comments go. Let their attacks and their actions go. Let It Go.
6 – You Need to Be Far More Flexible Than You Already Are
Inside university
You have it easy in university because all you need to do is learn how to schedule. You will have professors give you essays that are due on the same day and you have to shift your schedule around. Learning how to manage your schedule will help you in the working world.
Outside university
Have you just graduated? Stop looking for jobs down the road. Search the entire country and find a way of moving to wherever you get the best job. The more flexible you are, especially when you have no kids or mortgage, then the better your chances are of achieving your career goals.
7 – Keep Your Gosh-Darn Mouth Closed
Inside university
If you want to have a very bad time in university, then open your mouth and have an opinion of your own. It sounds a little jaded, but student who look at subjects objectively are the students who have the worst time in university. Colleges are staffed with people who have never left the university environment, which means they have no knowledge of the outside world. Your professors will say things such as how rich people should share their wealth, and how we have a right “not” to be offended, or how a Guatemalan’s piano music is better than Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin, and that people only that these greats are good because white males control the media.
You have to let it slide and keep your mouth closed. Not only will your professors treat you like a dumb-dumb if you disagree with them, but your peers will start to become self-righteous and will congratulate themselves on how well they bully you into agreeing with the professor.
For example, a professor in the university of Vermont in the USA said that rich people should be forced to give up 25% of their wealth to poor people to solve the problem of poor people in the USA. One student said, “Okay, then why don’t we have the top scorers in our class give 25% to the worst scorers in our class so that we can all pass.” The professor replied with, “And those are the sorts of excuses you will hear white-led corporations give when you try to fix the world.” It is not usually as bad in Australian Universities, but it is getting that way.
Outside university
Just keep your yapper shut in university and wait for the day when you are part of the Australian workforce and you can actually make a real difference rather than doing what professors do and preaching to a bunch of teens who don’t know any better.